Posts with tag: "weight struggles"
Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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What would you do if I asked you to carry an extra 40, 50, 60 or maybe even 100 extra pounds around with you for all your daily activities? No putting it down, it must be with you everywhere! You’d probably think I was crazy, and say absolutely no way!

Would you carry around an extra 40 pound bag around for the next month?

One response was “heck no, that would kill me” and yeah guess what it just might. The general consensus is that not one person wants to carry that around at all, yet everyday millions carry that extra weight around via a spare tire in the mid-section of the body without giving it a second thought. I've done it, I’ll admit and why I have no idea I did, just a matter of convenience.

Currently 1/3 of US adults are classified as Obese, and the phrase "I'm just big boned" is absolute BULL HOCKEY! Nothing more than an excuse, to cover for poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. So stop making excuses, quit hiding behind the "I'm busy" line if you can spend an hour watching The Blacklist or Peaky Blinders or whatever the fad show of the week is, you can spend 30 minutes working on yourself. You only have one body, take care of it, I'm often surprised at how much time is spent taking care of a car or motorcycle while the one vessel that allows you to enjoy those very things goes neglected. [tweetthis]I'm surprised at time spent taking care of a motorcycle yet the body goes neglected. #candoit2[/tweetthis]

Just 150 minutes per week can help reduce your chances of heart disease, diabetes, stress and many other health related issues, if you don't do it for yourself do it for those who love you and depend on you, set the example for your kids and family. The life you extend, benefits so many others, take the commit to get fit pledge today and live the life you deserve.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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Well it may not be a million miles, but fitness has no finish line anyways so you set the distance, any distance you want. What is the toughest part of the journey? For almost everyone it would be starting, simply starting anything is the toughest part. We often hear others say I’d like to {fill in the blank} or I want to do {fill in the blank} yet they never move past that point of wanting too or liking to.

Well that decision was made for me nearly 11 years ago, at the grand age of 37 I received a wake-up call during a routine health check at my former employer. While I would joke about being overweight and having a great cholesterol number especially as compared to some skinny friends, this report came with something new. I tipped the scales at nearly 348 that day, I don’t know how that had happened! The technician was reviewing my results and suddenly gets a strange look on his face, then says to me, are you diabetic? I look at the number and I know instantly what the result means, my only answer I could have for him was, I am now I guess. I grabbed my paperwork, I was pissed off, upset, aggravated and truly had about every emotion one could imagine run through my head.

I immediately threw the bag of fast food I had in hand away, I knew what the culprit was, it was walking into a factory daily, carrying a bag of crap from the local choke & puke, doing a job that I truly hated.  After thinking about the consequences I knew I had to get my body moving, to bring my glucose down, it was a whopping 360 that afternoon. I called my doctor immediately and couldn’t get in for two weeks. My choices were slim, I could just sit back and let it kill me, or I could do something about it.

That night at lunch I went to the grocery store and purchased some healthy options, returned to work and began to walk on each 10 minute break. I will not lie, I was scared to death to meet the doctor and the 2 week delay added to the nerves. I had friends who’ve lost limbs, vision and their lives due to complications, I knew this was serious and I was scared to death.  (To be continued…) is my journey from fit to fat to fit again, and again. I’ve had 8 years to look back on how I let myself fall from the fitness wagon, this has given me time to figure out where, and how I went wrong, and how I can do better this time. I know that I’m not the only person who’s ever struggled, this time I want to help others get back on track or simply start. January 9, 2015 I officially committed to get fit, since then I’ve dropped 31 pounds and I’ve passed my International Sports Sciences Association Certified Fitness Trainer exam, and will be offering personal training services and more soon.  Lots information and assistance will be coming to this site as well, progress photos, tips, recipes and family fit ideas as well. Be sure to subscribe and be the first to get the updates. Follow me on Twitter @LewCandoit2 for daily updates. My choices were slim, I could just sit back and let it kill me, or I could do something about it.