Skinny FAT is not SEXY, it's been 3 weeks and I haven't lost all my weight.
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Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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It’s been 3 weeks, why haven’t I lost all that weight!

Well it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to calculate this, but it is a question that is often asked! “I want to lose 50lbs in 3 months for my XYZ event” never mind the fact it took 8 years to gain the additional weight, why would anyone think it’s going to be gone in less time without any effort? “I want to lose 50lbs in 3 months for my XYZ event” 

There are a ton of quick diet fads out there that promise the world, complete with an easy button! Sure you’ll lose some weight, cheat yourself of many macro and micro nutrients that your body definitely needs! Sure, you’ll lose some scale weight, a little fat, much needed muscle mass and water weight to make a quick loss. However, the long term affect is weight will come storming back and then some! Skinny FAT is not SEXY!

Skinny FAT is not SEXY! Be patient, build muscle, burn fat and balance your diet! Be stronger than your excuses and every element of your life will become more balanced! It’s much easier to carry around 40 pounds of muscle than 40 pounds of fat any day.

Watch for many easy recipes coming soon, and we are glad to help you develop custom meal plan and fitness program tailored to fit you! 

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